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Since 2017 @ GRAST, Chungnam National University

Bold : Lab members, Kim JY : Principal Investigator (PI) of the lab. 

21. Han J, Shin YH,  Kim E,  Park HM, Kim JY*. Proteomic Characterization of NEDD4 Unveils Its Potential Novel Downstream Effectors in Gastric Cancer. Journal of Proteome Research. 2025. [Impact factor : 3.8], JCR: 17.1% 주저자 : 한지수

20. Seong H, Lee CH, Park SG, Choi KM, Lee SM, Han J, Bae HS, Han SB, Kim SJ, Kim E*, Kim JY*, Song JY*. Proteomic profiling of the serum of patients with COVID-19 reveals key factors in the path to clinical improvement. Clin Transl Med. 2025 Feb;15(2):e70201. [Impact factor : 7.9], JCR: 9.3%(* : co-corresponding authors)

19. Choi KM, Kim SJ, Ji MJ, Kim E, Kim JS, Park HM, Kim JY*. (2024) Activity-based protein profiling and global proteome analysis reveal MASTL as a potential therapeutic target in gastric cancer. Cell Commun Signal 22, 397.[Impact factor : 8.2], JCR: 15.4%  공동주저자 : 최경민, 김성진

18. Lee D, Ham IH, Oh HJ, Lee DM, Yoon JH, Son SY, Kim TM, Kim JY, Han SU, Hur H. (2024) Tubulointerstitial nephritis antigen-like 1 from cancer-associated fibroblasts contribute to the progression of diffuse-type gastric cancers through the interaction with integrin β1. J Transl Med 22(1):154.[Impact factor : 6.1], JCR: 15.1%

17. Choi KM, Kim B, Lee SMHan J, Bae HS, Han SB, Lee D, Ham IH, Hur H, Kim E, Kim JY*. (2024) Characterization of gastric cancer-stimulated signaling pathways and function of CTGF in cancer-associated fibroblasts. Cell Commun Signal 22, 8.

[Impact factor : 8.4], JCR: 17.5% 공동주저자 : 최경민, 김보람

16. Bang S, Qamar AY, Fang X, Kim H, Han A, Kang H, Cha D, Shim J, Kim JH, Choi K, Yun SH, Lee H, Park HS, Kim SI, Kim JY, Saadeldin IM, Lee S, Cho J. (2023) Effects of extracellular vesicles derived from steroids-primed oviductal epithelial cells on porcine in vitro embryonic development. Theriogenology ;209:213-223. [Impact factor : 2.923] 

15. Masud M.A., Kim JY, Kim E. (2023) Effective dose window for containing tumor burden under tolerable level. NPJ Syst Biol Appl 23; 9 (1). [Impact factor : 4.671] 

14. Masud M.A., Kim JY, Kim E. (2023) Modeling the effect of acquired resistance on cancer therapy outcomes. Comput Biol Med 162 107035. [Impact factor : 6.698] 

13. Park SG, Ji MJ, Ham IH, Shin YH, Lee SM, Lee CH, Kim E, Hur H, Park HM, Kim JY*. (2022) Secretome analysis reveals reduced expression of COL4A2 in hypoxic cancer-associated fibroblasts with a tumor promoting function in gastric cancer. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. [Impact factor : 4.32] 주저자 : 박서규

12. Kim E*, Hwang EJ, Lee J, Kim DY, Kim JY*, Kim DW*. (2022) Patient-specific molecular response dynamics can predict the possibility of relapse during the second treatment-free remission attempt in chronic myelogenous leukemia. Neoplasia 32:100817 (* : co-corresponding authors). [Impact factor : 6.02]

11. Masud MA, Kim JY, Pan CH, Kim E. (2022) The impact of the spatial heterogeneity of resistant cells and fibroblasts on treatment response. PLoS Comput Biol 18(3); e1009919. [Impact factor : 4.428]

10. Lee SJ, Choi KM, Bang G, Park SG, Kim EB, Choi JW, Chung YH, Kim J, Lee SG, Kim E*, Kim JY*. (2021) Identification of nucleolin as a novel AEG-1-interacting protein in breast cancer via interactome profiling. Cancers 13, 2842 (* : co-corresponding authors). [Impact factor : 6.126]  주저자 : 이성재

9. Yoon HS, Choi SH, Park JH, Min JY, Hyon JY, Yang Y, Jung S, Kim JY, Kim ND, Lee JH, Han EH, Chi SG, Chung YH. (2021) A novel protein-protein interaction between RSK3 and IκBα and a new binding inhibitor that suppresses breast cancer tumorigenesis. Cancers 13, 2973. [Impact factor : 6.126] 

8. Kim SH, Ha CW, Lim H, Jang S, Namkoong S, Hong S, Kim YK, Kim JY, Lee SR, Sohn EH. (2021) Aqueous extract of Phragmites communis rhizomes attenuates phototoxicity in skin cells. Mol Cell Toxicol 17. 29-40. [Impact factor : 1.660] 

7. Choi KM, Cho E, Bang G, Lee SJ, Kim B, Kim JH, Park SG, Han EH, Chung YH, Kim JY, Kim E*, Kim JY*. (2020) Activity-based protein profiling reveals potential dasatinib targets in gastric cancer. Int J Mol Sci 21(21):9276 (* : co-corresponding authors). [Impact factor : 5.923] 공동주저자 : 최경민, 조은지

6. Kim E, Kim JY, Lee JY. (2019) Mathematical modeling of p53 pathways. Int J Mol Sci 20(20):5179. [Impact factor : 5.923] 

5. Choi KM, Zissler A, Kim E, Ehrenfellner B, Cho E, Lee SI, Steinbacher P, Yun KN, Shin JH, Kim JY, Stoiber W, Chung H, Monticelli FC, Kim JY*, Pittner S*. (2019) Postmortem proteomics to discover biomarkers for forensic PMI estimation. Int J Legal Med 133(3): 899-908 (* : co-corresponding authors). [Impact factor : 2.22] 주저자 : 최경민

4. Choi KM, Cho E, Kim E, Shin JH, Kang M, Kim B, Han EH, Chung YH, Kim JY*. (2018) Prolonged MEK inhibition leads to acquired resistance and increased invasiveness in KRAS mutant gastric cancer. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 9;507(1-4):311-318.  [Impact factor : 3.575] 주저자 :최경민

3. Kim E, Kim JY, Smith MA, Haura EB, Anderson ARA. (2018) Cell signaling heterogeneity is modulated by both cell-intrinsic and -extrinsic mechanisms: An integrated approach to understanding targeted therapy. PLoS Biol 16(3):e2002930.

[Impact factor : 8.029] 

2. Park SY, Phorl S, Jung S, Sovannarith K, Lee SI, Noh S, Han M, Naskar R, Kim JY*, Choi YJ*, Lee JY*. (2017) HDAC6 deficiency induces apoptosis in mesenchymal stem cells through p53 K120 acetylation. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 494(1-2):51-56 (* : co-corresponding authors).  [Impact factor : 3.575]

1. Kim JY, Lee JY. (2017) Targeting tumor adaption to chronic hypoxia: Implications for drug resistance, and how it can be overcome. Int J Mol Sci 18(9). [Impact factor : 5.923] 

1. Bae HS, Kim EB, Park HM, Lee JE, Kim JY, Proteomic characterization of XXXX treatment reveals 
XXXX as a mediator of triple-negative breast cancer progression.

2. Kim SJ, Lee SM, Seo YJ, Kim JY. Proteomic characterization and bioinformatic insights into XXXX function in gastric cancer. 

Under Review

1.  Kim JY, Welsh EA, Fang B, Fumi K, Koomen JM, Haura EB. (2016) Phosphoproteomics reveals MAPK inhibitors enhance MET- and EGFR-driven AKT signaling in KRAS-mutant lung cancer. Molecular Cancer Research (10):1019-1029 - Featured in highlights of this issue.

Before 2017

2. Kim JY*, Stewart PA*, Borne AL, Fang B, Welsh EA, Chen YA, Eschrich SA, Koomen JM, Haura EB. (2016) Activity-based proteomics reveals heterogeneous kinome and ATP-binding proteome responses to MEK inhibition in KRAS mutant lung cancer. Proteomes 4 (16) (* : co-first author).

3. Li J, Fang B, Kinose F, Bai Y, Kim JY, Chen YA, Rix U, Koomen JM, Haura EB. (2016) Target Identification in Small Cell Lung Cancer via Integrated Phenotypic Screening and Activity-Based Protein Profiling. Molecular Cancer Therapeutics 15(2):334-342.

4. Bai Y*, Kim JY*, Watters JM, Fang B, Kinose F, Song L, Koomen JM, Teer JK, Fisher K, Chen YA, Rix U, Haura EB. (2014) Adaptive responses to dasatinib-treated lung squamous cell cancer cells harboring DDR2 mutations. Cancer Research 74(24):7217-7228 (* : co-first author).

5. Kim JY, Welsh EA, Oguz U, Fang U, Bai Y, Kinose F, Bronk C, Rix LLR, Beg AA, Eschrich S, Koomen J, Haura EB. (2013) Dissection of TBK1 signaling via phosphoproteomics in lung cancer cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 110 : 12414-12419.

7. Li J, Bennett K, Stukalov A, Fang B, Yoshida T, Okamoto I, Kim JY, Song L, Rawal B, Schell M, Bai Y, Grebien F, Qian X, Rix U, Eschrich S, Colinge J, Koomen J, Superti-Furga G, Haura EB. (2013) Perturbation of the cancer-mutated EGFR interactome identifies vulnerabilities and resistance mechanisms. Molecular Systems Biology 9 : 705.

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GRAST (Graduate School of Analytical Science and Technology), Chungnam National University99 Daehak-ro(St), Yusoeng-guDaejeon 305-764, South Korea

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