Current members

Jisoo Han, B.S.
Joined the lab : March 2023
Project : The role of NEDD4 in gastric cancer

Ha-Song Bae, B.S.
Joined the lab : March 2023
Project : Novel therapeutic targets for triple negative breast cancer (TNBC)

Su-Bhin Han, B.S.
Joined the lab : March 2023
Project : Discovery and mechanism of action of novel biomarkers of liver cancer

Sung-Jin Kim, B.S.
Joined the lab : March 2024
Project: The role of MASTL in CAF

Chae-Hyeon Lee
Joined the lab : july 2024
Project : The role of fucosylation in CAF

Yun-Jeong Seo
Joined the lab : october 2024
Project : Investigating signaling pathways regulated by ATP6AP1 in triple negative breast cancer (TNBC)

Seunghyun Oh
Joined the lab : october 2024
Project : Investigating the impact of dasatinib on CAFs in gastric cancer progression

Join our team!
종양생물학과 단백질체학에 열정을 가지 고 연구하고 싶은 학생들을 환영합니다!

Kyoung-Min Choi, Ph.D.
M.S. GRAST, Chungnam National University (Mar.2017~Feb.2019)
Ph.D. GRAST, Chungnam National University
Project : Cancer kinase signaling in gastric cancer
MS-based activity based protein profiling
Position after leaving the lab : University of Oklahoma Cancer Center Post-Doc

Su-Min Lee, M.S.
M.S. GRAST, Chungnam National University
(Mar. 2022~Feb. 2024)
Project : Novel therapeutic targets for gastric cancer
Position after leaving the lab : Researcher at KBSI (https://www.kbsi.re.kr//ko/index.do)

Yoon-Hee Shin, M.S.
M.S. GRAST, Chungnam National University
(Sep. 2021~Aug. 2023)
Project : Analysis of cancer secretome in lung cancer
Position after leaving the lab : Researcher at KIST (https://www.kist.re.kr/ko/index.do)

Jin-Woong Choi, M.S.
M.S. GRAST, Chungnam National University
(Mar. 2021~Aug. 2023)
Project : Glycosecretome analysis of cancer
Position after leaving the lab : KT AIVLE school (https://aivle.kt.co.kr/home/main/indexMain)

Eun-Bi Kim, M.S.
M.S. GRAST, Chungnam National University
(Mar. 2021~Feb. 2023)
Project : Aptamer-based targeting of cancer interactome in TNBC
Position after leaving the lab : Researcher at KAIST GSMSE (https://gsmse.kaist.ac.kr/)

Seo-Kyu Park, M.S.
M.S. GRAST, Chungnam National University (Mar.2020~Feb. 2022)
Project : Hypoxic regulation of tumor microenvironment in gastric cancer
Position after leaving the lab : Researcher at Inventage Lab (https://www.inventagelab.com/en/)

Sung-Jae Lee, M.S.
M.S. GRAST, Chungnam National University (Mar.2019~Feb.2021)
Project : Interactome mapping of cancer-relevant proteins
Position after leaving the lab : Researcher at BERTIS (http://bertis.com/en/main/)

Boram Kim, M.S.
M.S. GRAST, Chungnam National University (Sep.2018~Aug.2020)
Project : Omics approach to elucidate cancer-fibroblast crosstalk in gastric cancer
Position after leaving the lab : Researcher at MoimBio (http://www.moimbio.co.kr/)

Minju Kang, M.S.
M.S. GRAST, Chungnam National University (Mar.2018~Feb.2020)
Project : Dissection of MLK3 function in gastric cancer
Position after leaving the lab : Researcher at CT Cells

Jong Hwan Shin, M.S.
M.S. GRAST, Chungnam National University
(Mar. 2018~Feb.2020)
Project : Glycoproteomic approach to elucidate gastric cancer- associated fibroblast function
Position after leaving the lab : MS specialist at Cellkey (http://cellkey.co.kr/)

Eunji Cho, M.S.
M.S. GRAST, Chungnam National University
(Sep. 2017~Aug. 2019)
Project : Chemical proteomics to elucidate mechanism of kinase inhibitor drugs
Position after leaving the lab : Researcher at Genuv (https://genuv.com/)